Money brings about personal convenience rather than personal satisfaction or fulfilment. It will entertain you but it will never give you true peace. Money will buy you the most expensive house but it will never give you a peaceful sleep.

D.S. Mashego
About This Quote

This quote really says it all. Money isn’t the answer to everything. It won’t buy you peace of mind or happiness. Money doesn’t come close to being that good for us. It’s just a tool to have fun with, but that’s all it is.

Some Similar Quotes
  1. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. - Dr. Seuss

  2. I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary. - Margaret Atwood

  3. Making love with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two separate passions, not merely different but opposite. Love does not make itself felt in the desire for copulation (a desire that extends to an infinite number of women) but in the desire for... - Milan Kundera

  4. Sleep my little baby-oh Sleep until you waken When you wake you'll see the world If I'm not mistaken... Kiss a lover Dance a measure, Find your name And buried treasure... Face your life Its pain, Its pleasure, Leave no path untaken. - Neil Gaiman

  5. I do my best thinking at night when everyone else is sleeping. No interruptions. No noise. I like the feeling of being awake when no one else is. - Jennifer Niven

More Quotes By D.S. Mashego
  1. It is so wrong to run away from your purpose — you may be running away with a solution that may solve the world’s problems or save mankind.

  2. Your persona, talents, desires, etc. are intricately connected to your life’s purpose. The synchronicity of your persona, talents, desires, passions, dreams, etc. is not a coincidence.

  3. Some things don’t just happen, they happen because somebody decided to make them happen.

  4. Your propensity to succeed in life is largely dependent on your understanding of the concept, your ability to discover your purpose, and your willingness to pursue and act on your purpose.

  5. Your assignment will always be a forerunner to others’ assignments. Also, others’ assignments will always be forerunners to yours.

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